PS Review of Freemasonry NEWS

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Prepared Heart: A Subconscious link to the Light of Masonry by Honorable John L. Hairston

There is an ancient consciousness to Freemasonry, an esoteric knowledge and operation of its principles that have been distributed through the ages under a plethora of  names and designations. This consciousness has been couched in the Ancient Mystery School systems of the earliest antiquity, vouchsafed by Divine Providence and transferred to subsequent generations as a supplement to the Indivisible Purpose embedded in the quintessence of Humanity and Creation.

It is a prerequisite of every candidate of Freemasonry to have a belief in a Supreme Being and come to the doors of the Craft of their own Free will and accord. When in proper alignment, these two requirements are amalgamated in a harmonious mission of drawing each TRUE CANDIDATE to the threshold of their conception and nascency.

Our belief in a Supreme Being will lead us to the logical conclusion that this Supreme Being has invested us with a Purpose from birth to eternity. It is equally understood that all of life's trials, tests, accomplishments and failures serves as supports that assist us in reaching and attaining that Purpose. The principles that evolve from these life lessons are supplements to the Divine revelation provided us from the Supreme Architect of the Universe. These supplemental principles can be found in various forms and vehicles, freemasonry being one of such. It is Creative Fate and the government of Universal Law that we encounter the opportunity to obtain these supplemental principles so vital to the unfoldment of the Original and Divine Purpose inherent in us.

The lecture asks, where were we FIRST Prepared; the answer is IN THE HEART. But, what is the lecture drawing us to? To an ancient knowledge of the Law of Attraction.

Because the principles within the body of Freemasonry are supplements to the knowledge and unfoldment of the Purpose of Man, they are co-joined to the seed that IS the Purpose of Man. So, when one comes into contact with a sign, symbol, object, word, or regalia of Freemasonry-although they may have no conscious knowledge of either, they are subconsciously impacted and drawn to it, because it serves as an intricate part of their unfolding and IMPROVEMENT (the Journey).

The result is an intuitive and subconscious search and seeking for the Principles and Supplements to their Purpose that is contained within the sign, symbol, object, word, or piece of regalia. This begins to prepare the heart (SOUL) of man for the full encounter with the spirit of Freemasonry embedded right beneath the surface of the ritual and ceremonies. This preparation is a burning that draws us to the doors of Freemasonry that we may be able to possess the keys that unlock the doors to our development and progression into an eternal journey.

Let me be clear, every person knocking on the doors of Freemasonry are NOT TRUE CANDIDATES, they may become members, but only the TRUE INITIATES attain the sublime objective and spirit invested in the Craft. Not all come to the doors FIRST PREPARED IN THEIR HEARTS. They are drawn by the superficial components offered by the fraternity and organization. Some go years traveling in the Craft never to encounter nor attain the SUBLIME SECRETS OF THEIR MAGNANIMOUS EMERGENCE AND PURPOSE; they remain card holding members, never truly improving nor progressing to the Ultimate mark and chief objective-An Ever Evolving Perfection.

That Preparation in the heart is the light that led them through the vicissitudes of a dark world, to the flicker of the burning tapers at the outer door of the lodge, urging them to request entry thereby becoming united with the necessary tools to transform a rough existence into a perfection of purpose.

There are traits to the TRUE CANDIDATES of the Prepared heart that came to the doors of Freemasonry, drawn by the burning desire to obtain the tools and necessities that will bring in to view the latent possibilities within, that it may emerge into a resplendent illumination of one who has tapped into the operative harmony of that which composes the COMPLETE MAN.

It is this burning heart, prepared by Divine Providence, that we bear into immortality to carry the witness of our compliance to the SUPREME MASTER'S INSTRUCTION. So Mote It Be.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Prince Hall Commission on Clandestine Masonry, 1961

I am sharing the Report of the Prince Hall Commission on Clandestine Masonry, which was given to United Supreme Council, A.A.S.R. of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. at Chicago, Illinois, May 1961, and the same report given to Conference of Grand Masters of Prince Hall Masons of America at Seattle, Washington, same month and year.

Many of the principles set out in the Report apply to even this day, in which we still the problem with Clandestine Masonry rampant in the America and abroad. This is presented for the Masonic world that they may read and know the efforts of the Prince Hall organization to do our part in resolving an issue in the Craft since the inception of the Grand Lodge system in England. And now, I present the Report:

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Brother John L. Hairston
J. C. Logan Lodge #53, F. & A.M.
MWPHGL of WA. and Jurisdiction

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Washington State and the Charge Against Clandestine Freemasonry pt. 5

The Masonic Community Monitor, April 1999, front page 

We continue this series of articles with the years 1990-1999. I will begin this by citing a quote from part 4:"Beginning in 1986, we find that Past Grand Master, MW Charles Stubblefield prophetic, in that we discover, in the 1986-89 Proceedings, no significant entry by the Committee on Non-Prince Hall masons. There was a report given in 1986, but orally. From 1987-99, we find NO REPORT, and NO COMMITTEE."[1]

According to the 1989 Proceedings of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington, in the  listing of Official Correspondences of Past Grand Master, MW Kenneth Swannigan, written January 31, 1989:

"To: P.G.M. James W. Davis (Non-Prince Hall Commission); Re-directing the commission focus on attempts to resolve the issue(s) between Prince Hall Masons and the Sons-of-Haiti."[2]

So, we are surprised to find that there is no references to the Commission on Non-Prince Hall Masons, and no other reports concerning any activities of Clandestine Masonry but the report of the Grand Master (Kenneth Swannigan) on the Conference of Grand Masters, 1990, which he stated:

"There appears to be some concerns expressed that we, Prince Hall Masons, should be making more progress towards bringing Afro-American Non-Prince Hall Masons into the fold. While I support the concept of total fraternal relationship and brotherhood, it is clear that the wounds that separate us as Prince Hall and Non-Prince Hall Masons are deeper, infectious and will require more time to heal."[3]

In 1991 we still find no reference to the Commission or any report of the Commission. Yet in 1992, we find Past Grand Historian, WB Clemon L. Modisett presenting the following:
pg. 79, 1992 Grand Historian Report, MWPHGL of WA[4]
pg. 80, 1992 Grand Historian Report, MWPHGL of Wa

There were no other reports until the year 1997, where we find the full report on the Sons-of-Haiti[5], and the beginning of the process to absorb the group that had been since the 60's:
pg.113, 1997 Proceedings,  Report on Sons-of-Haiti
pg. 114, 1997 Proceedings,  Report on Sons-of-Haiti
pg. 115, 1997 Proceedings,  Report on Sons-of-Haiti
pg. 116, 1997 Proceedings,  Report on Sons-of-Haiti

Even without the 1998 Proceedings we still find significant activity for the year in the form of the Official Correspondence of the Grand Master, begin with a December 8th letter written from MW William C. Rheubottom to Bro. Russell Smith, regarding a proposal to absorb the Sons-of-Haiti[6]. This continues with more correspondence proposing actions to finalize a process that seemed to take  almost 30 years to complete:

"Feb. 3 (1998) To All Past Most Worshipful Grand Masters, re: Notification of healing ceremony for the former Sons-of-Haiti organization.[7]"

This was followed up by a February 27th Correspondence to the Jurisdiction that announced a "healing ceremony of the former Sons-of-Haiti.[8]" We know that ALL of the members of the Sons-of-Haiti members were healed based on the March 23rd letter sent to "The Skeleton Group of Sons of Haiti" that warned them about illegally operating as Sons-of Haiti Grand Lodge in Washington.[9] There were also 1999 Correspondences of January 30th, placing the former Sons-of-Haiti into Headquarters Lodge #75[10]. April 19th an Edict went out declaring the healing of the Sons-of-Haiti. Those members that were healed became a Lodge under dispensation designated as "Perseverance Lodge U.D." under the supervision of  DAL Kenneth Anthony, who visited, advised and monitored the newly healed lodge for 60 days.[11]This mentorship proved valuable, it was in the 1999 Annual Communication that Perseverance Lodge UD received its charter, and was now Perseverance lodge #103[12]:

 pg. 81, 1999 Proceedings of MWPHGL of WA
pg. 82, 1999 Proceedings of MWPHGL of Wa

Perseverance Lodge gained all the rights and privileges of all regular and recognized lodges worldwide. Perseverance Lodge #103 is still operating and in good standing to this day. Later in the 1999 Proceedings we find the full report on the Sons-of-Haiti[13]:
pg. 85, 1999 Proceedings report on the Sons-of-Haiti
pg. 86, 1999 Proceedings report on the Sons-of-Haiti

So, 1999 ends with a strong lodge being added to the fold, and the Jurisdiction ridding itself of another clandestine group. We will continue the next part going from 2000-the present. be sure to check out the other 4 parts to this series. And be sure to subscribe to receive notifications of new posts to the blog.

End notes:
1. Washington State and the Charge Against Clandestine Masonry Pt. 4, Honorable John L. Hairston, May 24th, 2013 entry.

2. Proceedings of the 86th Annual Communication of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction, 1989, Official Correspondences of the Grand Master, pg. 17 

3. Proceedings of the 87th Annual Communication of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction, 1990, Grand Master's Address, pg. 6

4. Proceedings of the 89th Annual Communication of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction, 1992, Grand Historian's Report, pg. 79-80

5. Proceedings of the 94th Annual Communication of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction, 1997, Annual Report of the Special Commission on the Sons-of-Haiti, pg. 113-116

6. Proceedings of the 96th Annual Communication of the MW Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Washington and Jurisdiction, 1999, Official Correspondences of the Grand Master, pg. 23

7. Ibid., pg. 24

8. Ibid., pg. 24

9. Ibid., pg. 25

10. Ibid., pg. 28

11. Ibid., pg. 27

12. Ibid., pg. 81-82

13. Ibid., pg. 85-86